The No Borders Festival

Hi gang!
I just wanted to poke you and let you know, just in case you didn’t already know.. 3rd Rock Grid is having their No Borders Festival on March 10th and 11th.
This is such a great cause and 3rd Rock Grid has done a wonderful job for this charity for many years. If you are feeling so inclined, please pay them a visit and make a small donation if you can afford it.
They take donations via PayPal, Gloebit, or their local currency.
If you want to make a donation, but don’t have time to visit, or would like to use D$ (your money in DigiWorldz) to make a donation, submit a support ticket and let us know and we’ll be happy to pass them a donation on your behalf.

You can HyperGrid over to their grid by using:

Help spread the word! OpenSim is one big family, let’s all show our support for this great cause.

You can read more about it on their website: